Welcome to The Fellowship of Bettors Anonymous
Since the beginning of time, gambling has effected all manner and all classes of people. As a personal problem it has existed in all periods and places. No mass of literature or history, modern or ancient, is without reference to it.
This site deals with the "Twelve Steps" of recovery, and the "Twelve Unity Steps" of Bettors Anonymous.
The Twelve Steps of Bettors Anonymous are a suggested program of recovery. They are spiritual in nature, which if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to bet and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.
The Twelve Unity Steps of Bettors Anonymous apply to the life of the fellowship itself. They outline the means by which Bettors Anonymous maintains its unity and relates itself to the world about it; the way it lives and grows.
Bettors Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from a gambling problem.
"But For The Grace Of God"
"Live And Let Live"
"First Things First"
"One Day At A Time" |